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参与第二届巴黎银行Ace Manager商业挑战赛,赢取9000欧元和去巴黎决赛的机会!

时间:2009-10-30浏览量:3141 二维码



                   参与第二届巴黎银行Ace Manager商业挑战赛,赢取9000欧元和去巴黎决赛的机会!

Ace Manager 是法国巴黎银行专为学生了解集团的三个核心业务:零售银行、企业及投资银行及资产管理及服务而设计的游戏。游戏将会以银行业务及网球世界为基础的3个现实生活场景来测试参加者在各银行业范畴的天资,他们亦会被要求展示对法国巴黎银行的核心价值-灵活应变、迸发创意、勇于承担和奋力求进的承担。

2009年初我们成功的举行了第一届BNP Paribas Ace Manager 后,集团会再次举行2010 Paribas Ace Manager-Second Set. 集团将会邀请五队表现最佳的参赛者于20104月进入在巴黎的总决赛,该项国际比赛将会以英文进行,并加入与法国巴黎银行相关的真实情节作比赛题目。评判小组将以参赛者之临场表现来评定赛果。获胜者会获得BNP Paribas 提供的9000欧元的现金支票外加戴维斯杯、联合会杯、巴黎大师赛、蒙特卡洛大师赛或者罗马大师赛入场券。

巴黎银行希望邀请全世界不同国家和地区的26岁以下的本科学生和研究生参与Ace Manager专业不限。学生可于即日开始透过acemanager.bnpparibas.com报名参赛,网上阶段会于20102月至3月其间的4个星期举行。您现在也可以在该网站上看到这个活动的比赛录像。




Subject: BNP Paribas Ace Manager Challenge – The Second Set: Challenge yourself and win 9 000? !

Dear student,

Discover Ace Manager Challenge, the online business game presented by BNP Paribas, a European leader in global banking and financial services and one of the 3 strongest banks in the world. After last year’s success, it’s time for the second set. Learn more at:


Entirely designed in English, the game makes you virtually enter the world of tennis, where you become the star financial advisors.

• Think you can manage the assets of a tennis champion?
• Able to help a tennis racket manufacturer grow his business?
• Ready to set up a brand new tennis tournament?

If yes, then don’t miss playing Ace Manager Challenge! Learn new tasks and challenge yourself. And if your team is one of the five best, you will be invited to Paris in April for the finals where you will compete for 9 000? in prize money and other great prizes.

Interested? Sign-up on acemanager.bnpparibas.com and we will keep you informed with all the details.

Good luck!